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Out with the old, in with the new. Is that how we charge into the new year, hoping that the next year is better than the LAST!? How often have you been told to write down all the things you want to let go of and THROW them out! What if you are not ready to charge FORWARD? What if you are still processing 2019? What if you are just STUCK? Stuck in limbo, not in a bad place, not in a great place, but just somewhere in the middle…..? There are some simple ways to refresh areas of your life, areas where you feel need some readjusting. Sometimes it is not your WHOLE life that needs a refresh, just parts of it… the money part, the career part, the relationship part….What if refreshing a part of your life could make you feel like you have had a full REFRESH? I can give you a hand with that refresh button!


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