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Looking after YOU

Updated: Jan 30, 2019

Who is looking after you? Looking after YOU is the best gift you can give yourself. Often we are too busy looking after everyone else's needs. What do you for YOU? when was the last time you did something for you? when was the last time you did something "just because" with no guilt, with no allocated time limit, with out rushing.... just because you can....? These tips will help you stay on top of your needs.

Treat yourself

When was the last time you rewarded yourself? Bought yourself a guilt free gift, had a massage, read a book without interruption, went for a walk without a time limit. Start out by treating yourself to some much needed love. Im not suggesting every day....start out by committing to this once a month. Pick a date and time in your diary. Block it out. Plan ahead. Set a reminder. It might be something you choose to do on your way home from work - can you get off 40min early, just once a month....? You may choose to do this on a weekend morning. What ever you choose, when ever you choose to do it - don't make it a chore! It's a treat! Treat it like one, precious and personal. ENJOY! I'd love to hear what you have done.


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